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9/21/00 - Thursday - A False Start (Hillsdale, NY)

Left Petterson, NY and Holiday on Wheels RV Service Center around 5pm, about 5 hours later than I had thought. Well, I also thought I'd be on the road this past Monday so I was grateful to get out of there when I did, with a functioning, and quiet RV.

Turns out there were several leaks in the exhaust system causing very loud noises, most of which I took to being the sounds of a big, old engine. But as I hit the road, I marveled at the purring of the motor.

But not for long. After the first few hills, suddenly, the loud sounds returned. If I had turned around, the RV Center would have already been closed for the day. If I continued on, I could only hope I wasn't causing any damage to the engine. I decided to continue and had already called my Aunt Phyllis in Hillsdale, about 2 hours from Patterson, saying I'd be there in time for dinner.

My feelings of excitement on my first day on the road were held at bay as I listened to the engine, watched the temperature gauge, kept an eye on the speed limit and settled into the driving. What if I had to take it in for repairs again and have another week's delay?

I arrived in Hillsdale at my aunt's cabin that she had just sold - the place where I had spent several weeks over the past two summers, realizing that the country life may be more my speed. Seeing it brought mixed feelings - I would never be able to escape from New York to the cute little country house. But then again, I now had my Apache and could escape from New York anytime. All the time.

Had a big steak dinner at the Hillsdale House after a martini with extra olives. Finished off the meal with a Mexican coffee (Kahlua) and a hot fudge sundae. Driving always makes me very hungry! Good conversation with my aunt, mostly about family and life.

Back at the house, sent some email, made a few calls, played some computer games on the laptop and was asleep by 10pm, wrapped in my down comforter from the RV, a chihuahua under each arm, stretched out on the living room sofa in the little house in Hillsdale. RV in the front yeard, quiet all around.

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